"Nature Will Come Through The Claws, And the Hound Will Follow the Hare"

21 October 2011

The cuteness!

Okay, first, we don't want kids. I don't like them, the BH is at best ambivalent about them, and the idea of pregnancy scares me more than giant man eating swans and snakes all wrapped up together and chasing me with tight enclosed spaces. I don't generally like children, though I may like them better than the adult versions. Depends on the day.

However, if for some horrible reason we ever spawn I shall dress it like a pirate. or a pixie, in its daily life. Cause well, chances are I wouldn't like it when it grew up. At least when it was wearing something like this and being all precocious I could like it for a little while.

1 comment:

lastdancekj said...

and now you see why I like dressing children up. Thank God for having friends that spawn.