"Nature Will Come Through The Claws, And the Hound Will Follow the Hare"

31 May 2012

Disney Princessing it up!

I am a Disney Princess. We've established this multiple times on several blogs, including this one. A few weeks ago, I was given the honor of helping a little male Carolina Wren build a nest in an orchid pot on my potting shelf on our porch. I was very excited. I stood by the bench and cut yarn for him to use. I would drop it on the top and he would grab it and work his very skilled talents into the pot. He also found some materials that he liked that were too heavy. He dragged them onto the porch to me so that I could lift them to the bench for him. It was awesome.

When he wooed his lady I helped him guard her. She laid five perfect eggs. Now they are five cheeping babies and I am about as proud as an extended bird relative can be. Here are our pictures.

The nest that I helped build.

Five beaks! 

This is Momma Wren. She won't get as close to me as Papa, but she lets me close to her babies and I take that as the compliment it is.

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