"Nature Will Come Through The Claws, And the Hound Will Follow the Hare"

20 September 2011

Cause Shane is also a Disney Princess

I need to get a camera or rather, start using the one I have. We have an elderly/blind song sparrow that has graced us with its presence. It lives on our porch, mostly on one of our two feeders, and doesn't mind me being all up in its space. This morning, my favorite of our three maintenance guys, woke us up to tell us that it was out on the sidewalk. Yes, how freakin' cool is he? He also told me that when the time came to call him and he'd bring a shovel so that I didn't have to dig a hole with one of my spoons. <-Proof that not all people suck.

The BH, barefoot, in his pjs, went outside to catch said bird, to return him to the porch. I went ahead of him to the porch to wait. I expected to see Shane cupping said bird carefully in his hands, to keep it from flying away, etc etc. No. He came around the corner with the bird perched quite happily on his index finger as if they both did this every day. Bird is now on the red feeder, munching away. I nearly named this post "reasons my husband is better than...everybody." Maybe I still should. :)

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